Social Security Disability Guidance
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Been Denied?

Although Social Security Administration is obligated to provide Social Security Disability Benefits to those who meet government guidelines, MANY applications that are denied at the Initial Application level are awarded benefits later in the process. Even if you applied on your own, you will want our help now!

DENIED?  If you meet government guidelines, CONTACT us today!

It is important to understand that the Social Security Administration denies a large majority of applicants who will ultimately receive their benefits. If you were denied and have a genuine disability and cannot work, do not get discouraged. The process can be long and frustrating and there is a chance that you will be denied a second time before you are approved.


Fill out our FREE Disability Evaluation form or call us as soon as you hear about your denial. You only have 60 days to appeal the initial denial and we will need to gather your information to do this for you. Once you agree to accept our help, we will make sure you receive the best representation possible. Because the process is long, you will need patience, but we can assure you that our expertise will significantly increase your chances of getting your Social Security Disability Benefits.


If your Initial Application and Appeal is denied, please understand that you are not alone. Most cases that are denied at the Initial Application level will be denied at the Appeal level and argued in a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Assuming you have a medically determinable impairment, this will be your best chance of receiving benefits.

Disability Advisors is critical to your success as we:

  • Determine why you were denied
  • File a reconsideration (appeal)
  • Build your case to fit SSA's guidelines
  • Represent you in front of an Administrative Law Judge




Most cases are awarded at the hearing level. We can tell you if you have a good case with one simple call.

To get the guidance you need, call us today at 800-249-7507